@FullFrontalSamB @TBSNetwork @thehecklertbs nice, tweet deleted. Feels like someone’s getting fired
@FullFrontalSamB @TBSNetwork @thehecklertbs they do realize hyenas can take down and eat elephants alive #optingagainstaGIF
BernieSanders Never tweet. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…
If Bird shows up, this might get out of hand. #statementsIwontunderstandinafewyears
Levine_Alison “In times of crisis we don’t abandon our values, we double down on them” — great quote by @CoryBooker #DemsInPhilly
gruber Cory Booker: “… any religion, or none at all.”
BernieSanders We have got to defeat Donald Trump and do everything we can to elect Hillary Clinton to the White house. #DemsInPhilly
hummbrt deepest video I’ve ever seen, just because it isn’t happening where you live, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. pic.twitter.com/vtJjZCDO8X