@FLAMINGODAO @0xDecaArt @XCOPYART kemmott.eth
AdamTSilver 3 top of mind problems with smart contracts (SC):
-SC Accessibility: how can more people understand an SCs terms &..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…bp
@BFlynnP True for a lot of us (the benefits of structure and purpose - and never admitting that)
@BFlynnP I was gonna say - do they want to go back to school?!?
@thegalshir @RubberDuckBP 1421 and 2107! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

GreatDismal Saved Photo
Wired, July ’97, deep in the Long Boom futurology boom. Perversely pessimistic at the time. pic.twitter.com/B7Xtercjzk