The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kemmott ever

July 2009

Kevan “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” -Dorothy Parker, via an Honest Tea.

via Twitter for iPhone

@AlisonL set up Simplify and stream your iTunes anywhere or use in Safari and find anything and play it in the browser.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AlisonL

@ylnt Wait, California is an actual place? I thought it was imaginary, like Greenland.

via TweetDeck in reply to ylnt

@Hicksdesign I use… - XBMC lets me see the SMB network drives (turn Windows Sharing on) easily.

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RIP Walter Cronkite - in your honor, sir.

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echo ” ” | wc -c
Wait, WTF?

via web

So I was wondering if I could write a long enough tweet that it might break through the barriers and become a truly great tweet and I th …

via web

Like, OMG Ponies!!! At with the whole world!!! So awesome!!! Aktually, kinda looking forward to it…

via Twitter for iPhone

curious what @joyent thinks of Chrome OS…

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@anamariecox - Gorgeous. The secret is a little iron supplement if the blooms aren’t that vibrant.

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Fireworks from the streetcorner. Mid America in full force tonight.

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