kasie The last person to rule America who didn’t believe in the First Amendment was King George III. twitter.com/sppeoples/stat…
@mdudas More than that. They are paying half the cost of the digital subscription ($10) and whatever the print run costs per subscriber.
Rest assured the shell is not stowing away on our flight. She has been reunited with her conchclave…twitter.com/i/web/status/1…FQ
@VerizonSupport Hey DDG - you seem to be knowledgeable in other threads - why is an outage in NoVA with 35+ tickets..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Yf
Relaxing 😎 in #anguilla – tacos and fish sandwich in Meads Ba@StrawHatAXAxa, afternoon poolsid@TheReefAnguillalatwitter.com/i/web/status/1…8Bob
Thread. You might think it alarmist, but I’m really scared he’s not wrong. twitter.com/_danilo/status…
@VerizonSupport We’ve had a total service outage since Tuesday - the ticket has been tied to multiple others and th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Mr
Please @VerizonSupport - if your agents don’t know for sure when an issue will end, stop having them ASSURE me it w..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…kx
sfmnemonic By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.
eemmott Hey @masnKolko - if it’s the bottom of the 7th inning, already does that mean beer sales are suspended?!?

StrongBadActual Coming to the website Kickstarter in the month July! pic.twitter.com/1GTSwPBvny

Riptide four ways @vancejoy @marqueetheatre @930Club @TheLincolnDC @TheAnthemDC kevan.emmott.com/2018/06/13/rip… pic.twitter.com/448j55iMxn
vanitaguptaCR The President of the United States celebrating voter suppression. Says everything you need to know about today’s de..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…t2

Maltaplication I couldn’t resist. This photo was just so Norman Rockwell.
#G7 #G7Summit #G72018 pic.twitter.com/U6rAD6hXae
@thomasfuchs Network Line Conditioner is a good tool to help simulate some of this

Oh hai Stanley Cup. You get to do some fun things. #ALLCAPS kevan.emmott.com/2018/06/09/oh-… pic.twitter.com/DKWL577ulF

annalecta The Trump-Macron handshake, a play in four acts pic.twitter.com/Ca6k9bigJg

CapitalOne Congratulations to our hometown champions, the Washington @Capitals! #ALLCAPS pic.twitter.com/GXpx6c1080
chrismaddern This is the winning team & losing team of the Stanley Cup final, all shaking each of the other team’s hands.
Don’t expect many people to understand but this is my Coachella. #wwdc2018 #thetalkshow @gruber..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…ti
@RogueNASA Stay strong. Fight the good fight. Practice good science.
DeniseNakanoTV Mayor Kenney on Eagles being disinvited to WH. In part: “Disinviting them from the WH only proves that our Presiden..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Bp
darth ok well good bye weekend i will miss u
i will be traveling around the country delivering your complimentary eagle t..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…kg
danielpunkass Support for BitBucket and GitLab from Xcode. Eeeeenteresting timing. :)
DanielEran There are so many smart, ultra competent women presenting at WWDC 🙌🏼
Gah the Xcode 10 awesomeness! Just overheard “it’s like witchcraft!” behind me.

jakemarsh Holy hell we’re getting a demo now. FLAILING. #WWDC18 pic.twitter.com/nS2b9RZUqh
kierankelly @caseyliss Just had my wife set up the alternative appearance and add her face to FaceID. Works perfectly with her..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…OQ

lukew Do the work yourself, so your users don’t have to.
[an evolution of Workouts app design on Apple Watch] pic.twitter.com/WWTCHJOW8j
_DavidSmith My favorite announcement of the morning. Goodbye Series 0 Apple Watch. It’s been fun but you were holding the plat..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…sx
siracusa Wonder how they ported all these iOS apps to macOS…
@settern Hope FiOS soon!
BrianRoemmele Apple opens up NFC to top US Universities for Student ID Card on iPhone and Apple Watch.
The NFC Student ID cards..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Tk
Student ID card on Apple Watch hides a lot of tech - excited to hear if there are more partnerships and APIs exposed
Group FaceTime could be a real Skype for Business/Hangouts killer
Shortcuts are like extensions for Siri - this should open up a huge world of contributions from the app world
@settern I just saw “Hot Dogs or Legs”… WTH?
@reneritchie Verizon must have brought in microcells because they are holding strong. T-Mobile is hurting.
@caseyliss Congrats Casey!