@dooce stay strong. Max (2000-2015) stands with Chuck and I hope people do the right thing. pic.twitter.com/Xe6ipwnpuw
missokistic Obama: My Supreme Court nominee is… Jesus.
GOP: N-n-n-o?
Obama: Zombie Reagan
GOP: *sweating profusely*
Obama: A gun
GOP: *faces melt off*
@corey_latislaw omg is that for real. I think they’re trolling us.
@gte build excessive thatch-roofed cottages
gte How do we summon Trogdor?
noyesclt Big bank quote: Apple has payment team of 600 now. Google is down to 6 plus a few in android.. and 30 or so covering operations and MSBs

eemmott @SouthwestAir Beautiful sight today on SWA#1555 by @HopeWeber4 She says “thanks for great flight” pic.twitter.com/1XjNLIZt6D
jimray Can Obama resign and get Biden to nominate him? That’d be pretty baller.
@jonathancoulton mine made one that auto breeds cows, tames and feeds them, then lava burns them and puts the steaks in a chest. SMH.
Werner Should definitely be part of every #devops operation twitter.com/asolove/status…
@maddow such trolling :-) love it #PickingAtHisCadaver

AppleMusic We are STOKED. 😁👍
#AppleMusic now on @Sonos.
apple.co/Sonos pic.twitter.com/MNNIEO3QF1

Proper preparation for the flight @ IAD - Washington Dulles International Airport - Dulles, VA instagram.com/p/BBn1d5nvVvZ/
JebBush .@realDonaldTrump, you aren’t just a loser, you are a liar and a whiner. John McCain is a hero. Over and out.

evolvable Ever wondered how you would do continuous soak testing of Tap&Go payments?
@Tyro: #AlwaysInnovating pic.twitter.com/HQ6FM1pvYn

tvoti My picks for the best and worst Super Bowl commercials — and one I couldn’t classify.vox.com/2016/2/8/10935…vpic.twitter.com/q6qTcuXPVZZ

Gotta love Twitter #halftimeshowreactions instagram.com/p/BBgibu_vVsu/

Super Bowl pre-gaming instagram.com/p/BBgLGvfPVsn/

Soccer practice well spent. @ B Side instagram.com/p/BBfmf-IPVvY/

skywalkertwink wHO DID THIS pic.twitter.com/Ou5QuxNg4D
BraddJaffy Bernie Sanders is the first non-Christian to win any delegates in a presidential primary or caucus in U.S. history mic.com/articles/13410…

lorenb Hello Lyft.
@djKianoosh I LOLed. twitter.com/BTGFinServ/sta…
LibyaLiberty I just heard Ted Cruz’s first words on his Iowa caucus win: “To God goes the glory.”
That’s Republican for “Allahu Akbar!”