This picture made me both scared and laugh out loud. And I do have to ask, what kind of sword? (@mikeindustries)http://yfrog.com/j1dsyg
@lonelysandwich @mikeindustries Adam isn’t on drugs, he just looks at this picture from time to time: http://j.mp/bNBVfr
@joyent signed up and posted it to our internal blog - looking forward to it. (“Performance and Scale in the Cloud” - http://bit.ly/cpwC3I)
Nice - they took my show name for MacBreak 204 - “Bumper Money” @leolaporte @gruber @Ihnatko #mbw #macbreak
@gruber re:http://www.newswek.org - grab every misspelling they can?
I just unlocked the “Adventurer” badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cuN7qI
@Brilliantcrank @mikeindustries @simplebits my wife loves hers, uses it to separate work/home use. Curious if continues when her iP4 comes.
Napoli + Sopresatta… YUM. (@ The Italian Store) http://4sq.com/78qf8X
@bynkii difference in quote times = commoditization?
@gruber was the trip out west worth it? No special extra news, but a lot of verbiage and company psychology to analyze…
fraserspeirs The iPhone 4 seems more Frank Lloyd Wright than Dieter Rams right now. Who cares if the roof leaks? It’s the best house ever!
Company all hands meeting and happy hour… (@ Carpool) http://4sq.com/5NweW1
@ryancarson we can only hope
@Heilemann no issues at all with iPhone 4 - in fact, better signal than my old 3G. Of course, I don’t ever hold it jammed into my left fist.
@insane_irish @joyent @jasonh wait, what? The Joyent T-shirt isn’t a myth? A unicorn? A white whale? #notjealous #whoamikidding #vc200 #vc87
OMFG Pupatella Pizzeria on Wilson in Arlington is *awesome*. #pupatella #bestpizzaever
jQuery Online Conference starting now… #tvjqueryconf
Lagavulin #whiskeyfriday
@vowe the first half is like the Mark Twain quote: “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.”
I think I’m sweating through my eyes. #102fahrenheit #damncloseto40C #brokenofficeAC
Ohio needs the “drivers education” signs New Jersey had: “Stay Right, Pass Left”. Simple concept that always seems lost on drivers here.
@fraserspeirs that joke was so inside I think I saw its spleen.
@bynkii mwahahaaha Pat did rock a couple days ago at Wolftrap - left halfway through REO tho.
@fraserspeirs that much time left, Suarez made the right call. They live to fight another day.
Uruguay goalie psyches out two Ghanaian PKer’s and Abreu chips it in for the win! Wow! #uru
@luxuryluke don’t know if I can give up folders & unified inbox. Of course, in a week that’ll be my wife’s decisi#iPhone4o#hasitcomeyeteyet