Truffle popcorn. (@ Screwtop Wine Bar)
I’m at Pete’s New Haven Style Apizza (3017 Clarendon Blvd., at Garfield St., Arlington) w/ 2 others
initWithStyle: #pragmaticstudio #ios
@marcoarment you could also try an RS6 Avant. Oh, and… Congratulations!
ObjC more passive (message passing: “kind object, would you please do something”) than imperative (object.doThis) #iOS #pragmaticstudio
ObjC seems more a writer’s language than a mathematician’s. #iOS #pragmaticstudio
Pragmatic Studio’s iOS Programming Course #pragprog (@ Hyatt Dulles)
@mike_ftw Exactly. How many Siri requests to “find a place to get rid of a body” were actually real this past week?
@Malarkey Enjoy DC while you are here! Clarendon (Arlington neighborhood) is a fun place to go for dinner etc. if you are looking.
@AmyJane We did a lullaby to Coolio’s Sumpin’ New: “1-2-3-4, get your Fletcher on the floor, gotta gotta get up to get down…”
GDC meeting. Attendance mandatory. – at Liberty
Rayke I’m not tweeting about the debate because @Slacktory is killing it. Someone get them some Godfather’s pizza, stat:…
bynkii The great thing about Wikis for internal IT docs: they make it easy to use while everything is fresh in your head
State of Birth. – at Pennsylvania State
@AlisonL HDMI switcher or a new TV. :-) Can the PS output component? Does the TV have a DVI in too? (you can get an HDMI->DVI adapter…)
@djKianoosh write it up!
Lunch on the water. – at The Water St
Canada sighted! – at Fort
Sigh. So how are the Eagles doing? Oh, right.
Great season, Phillies.
jtaby Steve’s biggest accomplishment isn’t Apple nor the iPhone; It’s an entire generation of technologists who understand and value design
seldo (All the windows users are thinking: why is everyone tweeting a rectangle?)
Here’s to the crazy one.
RIP, Steve.
iPhone 4 Homescreen
@danbenjamin Sprint right after sales - it’s a business announcement.