The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kemmott ever

September 16th, 2010

cssquirrel I can’t let an pass without a CSSquirrel to go with it. features @simplebits, @meyerweb, @zeldman and @IE

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:24 PM, Sep 16th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

thinkgeek A few of us monkeys are geeking out @aneventapart in DC. Our mission: kidnap a UX geek for our team. We’re hiring:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:22 PM, Sep 16th, 2010 via Twitter for iPhone)

wishing I could head downtown and go to AEA DC…

via Echofon

ryancarson Decided to make the whole Ruby on Rails course free to view for the next 24 hrs Go go go! :) Pls RT thx!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:24 AM, Sep 16th, 2010 via Echofon)