The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @kemmott ever

December 6th, 2015

ryangribble_ @tastapod “we’ve turned our Gantt chart 90 degrees, called it a product backlog and now we’re agile” 😀

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:17 PM, Dec 6th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

TheNardvark “Can I get 2 boxes of Sudafed?”

“Sorry, by law you can only buy one at a time.”

“Okay then just the one box of Sudafed and these 7 guns.”

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 9:05 AM, Dec 6th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)